The world is rejecting the Great Reset.
Klaus Schwab – YOU’RE FIRED! (except…. we never hired you!)

Pierre Poilievre, running for Canadian PM
Thank You Bobby Kennedy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from James Roguski

Dr. Joseph Mercola is one of the most-censored voices on the planet. There’s only one reason people are censored on this level – because they present TRUTH that reveals the cracks in the Narrative. You have to be quick to read his articles, because he’s only allowed to keep them up for a short period of time. I think reading his opinion on Fauxi is important. (JAM packed with interviews & references!)

May Big Brother die the death of a thousand jabs!

DEFEAT Title IX!!!
The Left is attacking America First candidate Doug Mastriano for a photo from 2013 in which he was dressed in a Confederate uniform.
Electricmeg is a Multimedia Artist who uses her talents to increase Divine Consciousness and create community among like-minded people who desire to create a better world. You can purchase her original music here, and when you buy it, you OWN it! No renting. Purchasing her original music or artwork is the best possible way to support her work.