Everywhere I turn, people I respect are saying: Go Inward I sit at sunset with a candle in my window, freshly anointed with Sage, a cup of Frankincense and Lemon oil tea at my side, pondering my beautiful walk on the beach this afternoon. Arvo Part Da Pacem has just started, and I am at […]
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Author: Electricmeg
Happy 12 / 12
At What Point….
Do we Transcend our Fragile Egos, and the Lies of the MSM & Pharma to SCREAM: ENOUGH!!! Ed Dowd’s new book Cause Unknown – The employed (fully vaxxed) population experienced a 15% increase in disability in 2021 over the general population. Stew Peters’ recent documentary Died Suddenly explores why people en masse are falling down […]
The Greater Flood
I enjoy the work of Jordan Maxwell, who breaks down the many ways that language and symbols have been used to control humanity over the ages. Maxwell, along with people like Zecharia Sitchin, Graham Hancock, Michael Tellinger and so many others who decode history, language and culture, have helped to reveal an alternate reality behind […]
Gird Yer Loins TIGHTER
Or, maybe, get off your Ass and DO SOMETHING! Waking thought: Why the hell did Pete Seeger and Peter, Paul & Mary etc sing “If I had a Hammer” a million times, when they prolly realized that the vast majority of humanity would REFUSE TO PAY ATTENTION when the Artist Warriors in DROVES were out […]
On Becoming More Christ-Like
For me, the jewel of this year has been developing the Fine Art of Discernment. It’s like the power of an industrial-sized magnet pushing me forward on a laser-focused path toward the fruition of my more perfect, harmonized, 5th Dimensional Self. In truth, I’ve experienced the upgrade of many 5D skills, and it is NICE! […]
Upgrade in Progress
In the past few days, there have been a few magnificent miracles. First we got the news that the trumpet-playing Brunson brothers out of Utah have been very busy preparing a case of Treason against every elected official who certified the 2020 election… and the case was not only taken up by SCOTUS, but was […]
The Brilliant Evolution
One thing is for sure: The Ascension Process is NOT EASY! They want us dead or enslaved, and it’s up to each one of us to figure out how to 1) evade the murderous assaults and then, 2) be as pure as possible in our living so that we are able to elevate our frequency […]
Interpreting Divine Language
I’m in a creative vortex the likes of which I haven’t experienced in many years and it’s PURE BLISS! In the midst of Bliss, I’m receiving crystal clear messages to help direct my energy. Yesterday, I heard a Rudolph Steiner lecture (1919) on the most important center of intelligence which is no longer the brain […]
No truer words have ever been said. Here is an excellent documentary that gives the background to JFK’s speech.