From 1987 to about 1996, I worked on Wall Street helping investment banks transition to the digital world. They hired creative people to do this as we’re a bit more quick to grasp esoteric concepts, and so I was surrounded by incredible artists and also I have to say, some of the bankers were also amazing people.
It was a time of Paradigm Change, but overall it was a depressing experience as I witnessed the Mergers & Acquisitions revolution destroy entire economies, industries, communities and families. There were 2 major stock market crashes during this time, and bankers flew out the window rather than take responsibility for the chaos they caused (Kind of like Aubrey McClellan).
When Goldman, Sachs went public, I left for good, and worked a $10/hour job at the Guggenheim until I landed a job at an internet startup,, where I learned how to create and maintain websites. That over-inflated market blew up in 2000, but not before I landed a lease to a 4,500 sf loft in Newark NJ, which I proceeded to grow into 12,000 sf and build into an artists live/work loft for the next 8 years. Those were perhaps the most creative years of my life as I learned a whole set of new skills (including people skills) and presented some of the best events in my career.
I’ve spent much of the past 10 years studying Quantum Physics and consciousness, and in just over a week of studying the Blockchain and crypto currencies, I find the most delectable transition to what I now call Bitcoin Consciousness. It intermingles perfectly with everything I’ve experienced in my life and I am thrilled to have finally found something I can sink my teeth into again.
Bitcoin exists on a very high level of consciousness. It was created to circumvent the most evil, greedy, anti-human institutions that exist, and to empower the 99% as a reaction to the Stock Market Crash of 2008 (it emerged at the same time as the Occupy Movement). It was created on a solid foundation of trust, security and the free and open exchange of information and ideas.
As economies crash around the world, Bitcoin saves the day. Recently in Zimbabwe, which has issued a $1 Trillion note, the value of Bitcoin jumped to $7,000US. The ability to transfer money around the world freely without exorbitant fees, is helping impoverished communities in Africa and Asia to turn ideas into reality, boosting the economy from the ground up. And, the ICO (Initial Coin Offering) movement is changing the way businesses are born, all around the world.
People try to convince me that the Blockchain is somehow evil, but I don’t see it. Yes, it forces more of our reality into the digital realm…. but it also secures it, and makes it more sharable.
I’m not into VR, or even video games, I prefer spending my time out in nature. Ultimately everything is a choice. How much of a digital life do you want to lead? That becomes the most pressing question. As with everything else, moderation is an excellent idea to live by.
A healthy combination of meditation, digging in the dirt, sun bathing, exercise, volunteering, passionate work… and Blockchain… seems to be the perfect recipe for the most ideal, conscious life.