Media has become our societal teacher, and it teaches us that it’s perfectly okay to behave badly. Heinously, even. Over the course of the past century, The Powers That Be (TPTB) have been influencing society through books, films, art, news, magazines etc, to legitimize evil. As I’m coming to realize more and more every day, […]
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Tag: consciousness
Recent Interview
A European podcaster reached out to me concerning a post I made 5 years ago entitled Bitcoin Consciousness. Which happens to the name of his podcast! It was an enlightening and delightful conversation in which I had the opportunity to tell my story and explore the idea of integrity in finance, which is front and […]
H – i – p – o – c – r – i – s – y
I’m sorry I don’t have an attribution for this image, but it perfectly illustrates how ridiculous American society has become. Electricmeg is a Multimedia Artist who uses her talents to increase Divine Consciousness and create community among like-minded people who desire to create a better world. You can purchase her original music here, and when you […]
Crisis of Faith
Bitcoin Consciousness
From 1987 to about 1996, I worked on Wall Street helping investment banks transition to the digital world. They hired creative people to do this as we’re a bit more quick to grasp esoteric concepts, and so I was surrounded by incredible artists and also I have to say, some of the bankers were also […]
Single Photon Theory
Somewhere along the line, I read a theory that states that all of reality is just one unbelievably fast photon zooming from point to point, creating everything. Matter is, in fact, made up of photons; everything we sense is nothing more than slowed-down light. So if we are made of photons, it might pass that […]