There is no greater trait that reveals the Divine nature of a person than Generosity, for it reveals if a person is self-centered, or other-centered. If a person exhibits Generosity as a way of life, they have plugged into the Universal Matrix of which Generosity is the quintessential currency. They are fully aware that to give, always results in reciprocal receiving. They are fully aware that the only true value of a person is what that person gives away.
A person who has Generosity of spirit is an angel. I have met dirt poor people who offered me the shirt off their back as I went about my exploration of the world; I met others who gave me the last crust of bread from their plate. Conversely, I met billionaires who refuse to part with even a penny no matter the direness of a circumstance.
Generosity begets Generosity. When you practice it, and and as people are the beneficiaries of your Generosity, it’s a teaching moment – engaging in the most precious human connection. When you give of yourself, you are professing your faith in humanity and you are strengthening your connection to the Divine Creator.
Sometimes people are not able to receive Generosity, or appreciate it. Recently, I went out of my way to help a friend who took a figurative dump on me in the process; it was an excruciating experience.
Truth is, when people react to generosity with negativity, it’s usually because they are stuck at a low frequency – usually in the Mindset of Lack. All I can do is hope that my action will spark an awareness in her that helps her to elevate so that she aligns more fully with Divine Grace.
We do what we can. Every person is experiencing a different reality. By exhibiting Generosity, we can break through those barriers that are intended to keep us distanced from each other.
Volunteerism is a form of Generosity; donations, sometimes a simple conversation or moment of attention can be exactly what’s needed. Prayers, work, resources…. there are so many ways to be Generous that involve no cost whatsoever, so being Generous is not at all reserved for the well-off, although that is the historical context of it.
One time, decades ago, I thought I was being Generous by giving a homeless man an apple only to find he had no teeth. To say I felt a fool is a grand understatement, but it was a necessary lesson – Generosity requires attention to detail.
Not long after the apple incident, I was crying uncontrollably as I walked out of the NYC subway and a homeless man gave me a rose and a smile, and told me it was all going to be okay. And he was right. That simple act of human kindness has guided me ever since.
In my lifetime I have been the recipient of extraordinary Generosity, and this has led me to adopt it as a way of life. I am constantly looking to see where my gifts and experience can be of help, and I will engage in Generosity as long as it continues to be aligned and appreciated. When it is no longer aligned and appreciated, I move on. It is simple. There is no end to the opportunities.