No truer words have ever been said. Here is an excellent documentary that gives the background to JFK’s speech.
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As a gentle rain falls through the reds, yellows and greens of the autumnal trees, I sit back for a moment to fully appreciate this amazing time we’re living through. With the NY Supreme Court yesterday ruling against Covid mandates by reinstating unvaxxed employees and ordering backpay, this paves the way for (inter?) national lawsuits! […]
The Time Between Times
I’m watching this economic shift very closely and I can assure you the vast majority of what is REALLY happening, is not made public. We have so little official information and people have been making wild conjectures based, perhaps, on their own desires, for personal gain. (whodathunk.) When an exciting piece of news comes out, […]
Free/ quantum/ zero point/ hydrogen energy devices have existed in some case for decades, in many different forms. It’s up to You & Me to DEMAND THE RELEASE OF THE PEOPLE’S ENERGY NOW!!!!! In the recent mass shooting in Buffalo NY, one of the people killed was a man named Aaron Salter Jr, who had […]
What is the MSM omitting from the NEWS media that has caused so much harm to this world these past few years? And, why are they omitting it? Below are some examples of a growing mountain of evidence documenting the agenda in action, with intent to harm and kill us through the plandemic. DARPA gave […]
A Grain of Sand
When I put it ALL together with all the facets of all the info streams, I begin to see the clarity of a picture. I’ve been practicing my sifting techniques, and although what is true today might not be true tomorrow I feel the urge to capture a grain of sand in the wind today; […]
US Incorporation of 1871 and Law of Wate...
How Evil is Evil?
It’s not just that they despise you and me. It’s not just that they lie, cheat and steal as a matter of course. It’s not just their penchant for baby flesh. It’s not just the extent to which they’ve gamed the system. It’s not just the institutionalized servitude. It’s not just that they consider us […]
I Am (We Are) the Media
And the Fake News Media is about to be destroyed once and for all time. Thank GOD! Electricmeg is a Multimedia Artist who uses her talents to increase Divine Consciousness and create community among like-minded people who desire to create a better world. You can purchase her original music here, and when you buy it, you […]
The Greatest Scam of All Time
Some people say COVID-19 stands for C (see) Ovid (Sheep – greek) 19 (death to enemies). So, See the sheeple die… which fits right in with the Globalist monument, the Georgia Guidestones (recently destroyed) which appeared in the 1980s and stated that the human population should be 500 million people in perpetuity (death to 13 […]