My Videos

I’ve been having a ball, making short videos these past few years and I look forward to expanding my reach with longer formats, better equipment and more significant subjects. SOON!!! Except where obviously NOT, it is all my photography, vidoegraphy, words, music, design and performance. Here are a few of my favorite shorts from the …

What is Free Energy?

Free Energy is a loose term, kind like Free Jazz – leaving a whole lot to the imagination. There are different ways to approach what is not just one subject, but many. For me, it’s a play on words and ideas. For instance, what form of energy are we talking about, and what’s the definition …

Demand Free Energy Now!!

If you are aware that Quantum / Free / Zero Point / Etheric / Universal energy exists and can be tapped (as Tesla taught us), then you can NOT with any logical mind look at what’s happening in our world regarding energy as DECENT! These forms of alternative energy are extremely resource and maintenance intensive, …

The Unseen

There are many unseen elements to our world. It’s up to each one of us to take the responsibility to learn of these unseen worlds.