Or, maybe, get off your Ass and DO SOMETHING! Waking thought: Why the hell did Pete Seeger and Peter, Paul & Mary etc sing “If I had a Hammer” a million times, when they prolly realized that the vast majority of humanity would REFUSE TO PAY ATTENTION when the Artist Warriors in DROVES were out […]
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Category: Energy
I was compelled to write about 11:11 before 11/11. As it turns out, I was prevented from posting the past few days due to technical glitches… so from my perspective, that was the perfect example of a Divine Communication, otherwise known as Download, that I correctly acted upon. 1111 was indeed very transformative, after the […]
What is Free Energy?
Free Energy is a loose term, kind like Free Jazz – leaving a whole lot to the imagination. There are different ways to approach what is not just one subject, but many. For me, it’s a play on words and ideas. For instance, what form of energy are we talking about, and what’s the definition […]
One Scenario / Mosh
Yesterday I listened to a few different interviews and podcasts and found a kind of silver thread through it that made me very happy. It’s one perspective from my side of the fence. I recommend listen to the Derek Johnson interview and then DaveX22 Report below. Derek Johnson came on to the scene recently, making […]
Don’t Give Your Power Away
If we stop acquiescing to our own enslavement, we cannot be enslaved. – David Icke David Icke has recognized for several decades now that there is a ruthless cabal seeking to take over the world and he has diligently been teaching us about it in his books and lectures. He was given the gift of […]
If Hari Seldon Were Here…
The past few days have been emotional as I’ve been putting some of the final pieces of the puzzle together; 35 years of research is finally coming in to focus. I have no doubt there are more layers to discover, but as to the manipulation of life on Earth – this I now comprehend pretty […]
Demand Free Energy Now!!
If you are aware that Quantum / Free / Zero Point / Etheric / Universal energy exists and can be tapped (as Tesla taught us), then you can NOT with any logical mind look at what’s happening in our world regarding energy as DECENT! These forms of alternative energy are extremely resource and maintenance intensive, […]