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At What Point….

At What Point….

Do we Transcend our Fragile Egos, and the Lies of the MSM & Pharma to SCREAM: ENOUGH!!! Ed Dowd’s new book Cause Unknown – The employed (fully vaxxed) population experienced a 15% increase in disability in 2021 over the general population. Stew Peters’ recent documentary Died Suddenly explores why people en masse are falling down […]

Who’s My Source?

Well, here’s one and IMHO it doesn’t get any better than this. In this EXCELLENT INTERVIEW Bobby Kennedy NAILS the lamestream media while giving the most profound number crunching on the plandemic fraud. And more. I’m not saying Bobby Kennedy is perfect (nobody is) and I’m not saying he might not have an agenda, but […]

Defcon 1

Defcon 1

Juan O’Savin says we’re at Defcon 1. Kim “Possible” belittles him for his grandiose posturing (She, after all, has a much higher security clearance!) The above is a pale shadow of a joke; poking fun at two notorious online personalities who have ridden the Covid wave to fame and fortune and are in a mock-battle […]