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The Folly of EVs

The Folly of EVs

Boy, has this administration pushed Electric Vehicles HARD as a part of their 6uild 6ack 6etter Agenda…. their final hope for implementing Agenda 21/30. Truth is, our ancient electrical grid cannot cope with any more strain and so people who already own EVs are finding that they aren’t able to charge them. This problem is […]

If you can’t beat ’em…

If you can’t beat ’em…

At 10pm, a caravan of cars descended upon my neighbor’s house, stereos blaring, and they’ve started playing basketball and splashing in the pool and partying like the 20-somethings they are. I was already half asleep, but the sound of the celebration of life will keep me awake, so why not join the fun? I’ve got […]

Who Owns the World?

Who Owns the World?

Today, I present Lee Camp (the most censored comedian in the world), speaking with infinitely more erudition than I could ever muster, on a wildly important issue. …. to be destroyed by silver?????? or an EMP????? Electricmeg is a Multimedia Artist who uses her talents to increase Divine Consciousness and create community among like-minded people […]