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Global Economic Revolution

Global Economic Revolution

Brief History of the Global Currency Reset from In the late 1700s a group of Eastern Europeans known as the Cabal (Khazarians), began taking control of the Global Monetary System using fiat/paper currency (not asset-backed). In response, some sovereign families of Asia and Europe pooled their gold assets into off-ledger private banking trusts now known […]

Defcon 1

Defcon 1

Juan O’Savin says we’re at Defcon 1. Kim “Possible” belittles him for his grandiose posturing (She, after all, has a much higher security clearance!) The above is a pale shadow of a joke; poking fun at two notorious online personalities who have ridden the Covid wave to fame and fortune and are in a mock-battle […]



These are chaotic times, no matter where you are on the spectrum. Spent a few days driving, had the chance to process a lot of what’s going on. I filtered through all the nuggets that have passed through my brain in the past few months, and what bubbled to the top was Michael Jackson’s This […]

Just Wondering…..

Just Wondering…..

If it’s now true that a vaccinated person is equal to an unvaccinated person both in status and in susceptibility to getting sick, what was the public benefit of the vaccines in the first place? And perhaps more importantly, what has been the public harm? I can’t help feeling a bit caustic now that the […]