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What is Freedom?

I have just listened to one of the most erudite, gracious, eloquent lectures on the subject of Freedom that I have ever encountered and the takeaway is so profound that I am compelled to share and to document it here. In this lecture, Dr. Stanley Monteith explores some of the deepest secrets of the secret […]



I caught up with some friends last week and we were able to keep conversation light. But, over the course of the meeting I was reminded how destructive this era is in separating families and friends. Some retreat into, and act from insular self-righteousness – they react, they are ruled by emotions, and are deeply […]



The knowledge comes so fast and furious – sometimes it’s impossible to process it all in the moment and so you step back to get some time and space and perspective, and then a few pieces fall into place. Over time, the picture comes into focus. Today, the focus is excellent! Exercise: Take a few […]