The knowledge comes so fast and furious – sometimes it’s impossible to process it all in the moment and so you step back to get some time and space and perspective, and then a few pieces fall into place. Over time, the picture comes into focus. Today, the focus is excellent! Exercise: Take a few …

The Choice of All Choices is NOW

We experience different realities according to what we perceive, where we stand and what we project upon the world. <- E=MC2 is just a part of it -> From my perspective, according to the information I take in and the information I release without imprinting, we are at this very moment faced with two very …

On the Power of Forgiveness

It is the Autumnal Equinox, September 21-22, 2021. On so many levels, it is a powerful time of change – we have a magical opportunity release All That Does Not Serve, allowing more space for Divine Presence. The most powerful action of this time: to Forgive When I do not Forgive – this very negative …