For me, the jewel of this year has been developing the Fine Art of Discernment. It’s like the power of an industrial-sized magnet pushing me forward on a laser-focused path toward the fruition of my more perfect, harmonized, 5th Dimensional Self. In truth, I’ve experienced the upgrade of many 5D skills, and it is NICE! […]
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Tag: ascension
The Brilliant Evolution
One thing is for sure: The Ascension Process is NOT EASY! They want us dead or enslaved, and it’s up to each one of us to figure out how to 1) evade the murderous assaults and then, 2) be as pure as possible in our living so that we are able to elevate our frequency […]
Interpreting Divine Language
I’m in a creative vortex the likes of which I haven’t experienced in many years and it’s PURE BLISS! In the midst of Bliss, I’m receiving crystal clear messages to help direct my energy. Yesterday, I heard a Rudolph Steiner lecture (1919) on the most important center of intelligence which is no longer the brain […]
I was compelled to write about 11:11 before 11/11. As it turns out, I was prevented from posting the past few days due to technical glitches… so from my perspective, that was the perfect example of a Divine Communication, otherwise known as Download, that I correctly acted upon. 1111 was indeed very transformative, after the […]
The Significance of 11:11
Thank God we got through Election Day without an overt, violent False Flag. However, the behind-the-scenes vote theft happened on a grandiose scale (it was captured in real time by the Space Force and others), and will soon be revealed (in conjunction with Brazil, I assume). One of the Anons I have been enjoying (SGAnon/QNewsPatriot) […]
The End of Evil
If there was ever a perfect opportunity for humanity to engage its Divine Connection, that would be now. Certain information remains elusive to my discernment; the Big Bomb has not yet dropped and we’re in the “Breath Before the Storm” at this moment. Trump has said a few things in his speeches over the last […]
The Split
Humanity has split. Many people perceive it as a political split, others philosophical. Some think it’s religious, some think it’s about gender, or the sanctity of life, or any number of other prominent issues. It’s not any one of those things, but those issues are deeply embedded in the crisis. How many times have I […]
Thank GOD!!!!!
I received word from several of my intel sources today that the the Republic of the United States of America has been restored! Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!! I am happier at this moment than I have ever been in my life – evil has been VANQUISHED! And, to top it all off, the whole world is now on […]